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Peer-Reviewed Articles

§ undergraduate co-authors; δ graduate student co-authors; † equal contribution; †† senior author role


70. Knutie, S. A., Bertone, M., Bahouth, R.§, Webb, C.§, Mehta, M.§, Nahom, M.§, Barta, R.§, Ghai, S.§, Balenter, S., Butler, M., Kennedy, A., Reichard, B. S., Taff, C. C., & Albery, G. 2024. Understanding spatiotemporal effects of food supplementation on host-parasite interactions using community-based science. Journal of Animal Ecology. PDF Data Preprint DOI

69. McNew, S. M.†, Taff, C. C.†, & Vitousek, M. N. 2024. Manipulation of a social signal affects DNA methylation of a stress-related gene in a free-living bird. Journal of Experimental Biology. PDF Data + Code DOI

68. Taff, C. C., McNew, S. M., Campagna, L. C., & Vitousek, M. N. 2024. Corticosterone exposure is associated with long-term changes in DNA methylation, physiology, and breeding decisions in a wild bird. Molecular Ecology. PDF Preprint Data + Code DOI

67. McNew, S. M.†, Taff, C. C.†, Zimmer, C., Uehling, J. J.δ, Ryan, T. A.δ, Chang van Oordt, D.δ, Houtz, J. L.δ, Injaian, A. S., & Vitousek, M. N. 2024. Developmental stage-dependent effects of perceived predation risk on physiology and fledging success of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Ecology. PDF Preprint Data + Code DOI

66. Chang van Oordt, D. A.δ, Taff, C. C., Pipkin, M. A.δ, Ryan, T. A.δ, & Vitousek, M. N. 2024. Experimentally-elevated corticosterone does not affect bacteria killing ability of breeding female tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Hormones & Behavior. PDF DOI

65. Wolf, S., Woodruff, M., Chang van Oordt, D., Clotfelter, E., Cristol, D., Derryberry, E., Ferguson, S., Stanback, M., Taff, C. C., Vitousek, M., Westneat, D., & Rosvall, K. 2024. Among-population variation in teolomere regulatory proteins and their potential role as hidden drivers of intraspecific variation in life history. Journal of Animal Ecology. PDF DOI

64. Taff, C. C., Baldan, D., Mentesana, L., Ouyang, J. Q., Vitousek, M. N., & Hau, M. 2024. Endocrine flexibility can facilitate or constrain the ability to cope with global change. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London B. PDF Preprint DOI


63. Taff, C. C.†, Shipley, J. R.† 2023. Inconsistent shifts in warming and temperature variability are linked to reduced avian fitness. Nature Communications. PDF Preprint Code DOI NYT Article NestWatch Blog NPR BirdNote

62. Taff, C. C., McNew, S., Zimmer, C., Uehling, J. J.δ, Ryan, T. A.δ, Chang van Oordt, D.δ, Houtz, J. L.δ, Injaian, A., & Vitousek, M. N. 2023. Social signal manipulation and environmental challenges have independent effects on physiology, internal microbiome, and reproductive performance in tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Journal of Experimental Zoology, Part A. PDF Preprint Data + Code DOI

61. Ryan, T. A.δ, Taff, C. C., Ryan, T. A., & Vitousek, M. N. 2023. Cold temperatures induce priming of the glucose stress response in tree swallows. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology, Part A. PDF DOI

60. Dunn, P. O., …, Taff, C. C., …, et al. (77 additional authors). 2023. Geographic and phenological variation in insect abundance across North America: implications for monitoring insect declines. Ecology. PDF Data DOI

59. Zimmer, C., Taff, C. C., Ardia, D. R., Rosvall, K. A., Kallenberg, C.§, Bentz, A. B., Taylor, A. R., Johnson, L. S., & Vitousek, M. N. 2023. Differential gene expression in the tree swallow brain is associated with environment and within-individual and among-population variation in glucocorticoid levels. Hormones & Behavior. PDF DOI


58. Zhou, J.δ, Taff, C. C., Chang van Oordt, D.δ, Vitousek, M. N., & Kan, E. C. 2022. Radio-frequency near-field sensor design for miniscule internal motion. IEEE Sensors Journal. PDF DOI

57. Taff, C. C. 2022. Functions for simulating data and designing studies of physiological flexibility in the acute glucocorticoid response to stressors. PeerJ. PDF DOI Preprint R Package Data + Code

56. Shipley, J. R., Twining, C. W., Taff, C. C., Vitousek, M. N., & Winkler, D. W. 2022. Selection counteracts developmental plasticity in body-size responses to climate change. Nature Climate Change. PDF DOI Data + Code NCC News & Views

55. Vitousek, M. N., Houtz, J. L.δ, Pipkin, M. A.δ, Chang van Oordt, D. A.δ, Hallinger, K. K., Uehling, J. J.δ, Zimmer, C., & Taff, C. C.†† 2022. Natural and experimental cold exposure increase the sensitivity to future stressors in a free-living songbird. Functional Ecology. PDF DOI Data + Code

54. Taff, C. C., Wingfield, J. C., & Vitousek, M. N. 2022. Environmental variability and longevity predict the speed of the acute glucocorticoid response across birds. Hormones & Behavior. PDF DOI Preprint Data + Code

53. Houtz, J. H.δ, Taff, C. C., & Vitousek, M. N. 2022. Gut microbiome as a bioindicator of stress resilience: a reactive scope model framework. Integrative & Comparative Biology. PDF DOI

52. Chang van Oordt, D.δ, Taff, C. C., Ryan, T. A.δ, & Vitousek, M. N. 2022. Timing of breeding reveals the trade-offs between constitutive immue investment and life history in a migratory bird. Integrative & Comparative Biology. PDF DOI

51. Taff, C. C., Johnson, B.§, Anker, A. T.§, Rodriguez, A. M.§, Houtz, J. L.δ, Uehling, J. J.δ, & Vitousek, M. N. 2022. No apparent trade-off between the quality of nest grown feathers and time spent in the nest in an aerial insectivore, the tree swallow. Ornithology. PDF DOI Preprint Data + Code

50. Taff, C. C., Zimmer, C., Ryan, T. A.δ, Chang van Oordt, D.δ, Aborn, D. A., Johnson, L. S., Rose, A. P., & Vitousek, M. N. 2022. Individual variation in natural or manipulated corticosterone does not covary with circulating glucose in a wild bird. Journal of Experimental Biology. PDF DOI Data + Code


49. Injaian, A. S., Uehling, J. J.δ, Taff, C. C., & Vitousek, M. N. 2021. Effects of artificial light at night on avian provisioning, corticosterone, and reproductive success. Integrative and Comparative Biology. PDF DOI

48. Taff, C. C., & Freeman-Gallant, C. R. 2021. Female ornamentation, incubation behavior, and reproductive success in a wild bird. Behavioral Ecology & Sociobiology. PDF DOI Data + Code

47. Wheeler, S., Taff, C. C., Reisen, B., & Townsend, A. K. 2021. Nesting behavior increases interactions between mosquitoes and American Crows, a highly competent West Nile Virus host. Parasites & Vectors. PDF DOI

46. Taff, C. C., Zimmer, C., Houtz, J.δ, Smee, M., Hendry, T., Scheck, D.§, Ryan, T.δ, Vitousek, M. N. 2021. Plumage manipulation alters associations between social behavior, physiology, internal microbiome, and fitness. Animal Behavior. PDF Preprint DOI Data + Code

45. Odom, K. J., Araya-Salas, M., Morano, J. L., Ligon, R. A., Leighton, G. M., Taff, C. C., Dalziell, A. H., Billings, A. C., Germain, R. R., Pardo, M.δ, Guimarāes de Andrade, L., Hedwig, D., Keen, S. C.δ, Shiu, Y., Charif, R. A., Webster, M. S., & Rice, A. N. 2021. Comparative bioacoustics: a roadmap for quantifying and comparing animal sounds across diverse taxa. Biological Reviews. PDF DOI


44. Shipley, J. R., Twining, L., Taff, C. C., Vitousek, M. N., Flack, A., & Winkler, D. W. 2020. Birds advancing lay dates with warming springs face greater risk of chick mortality. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. PDF Data + Code DOI

43. Zimmer, C., Taff, C. C., Ardia, D. A., Rose, A. P., Aborn, D. A., Johnson, S. L., & Vitousek, M. N. 2020. Environmental unpredictability shapes glucocorticoid regulation across populations of tree swallows. Scientific Reports. PDF Preprint DOI

42. Winkler, D. W., Hallinger, K. K., Anderson, M. J., Ardia, D. R., Belmaker, A., Ferretti, V., Forsman, A. M., Gaul, J. R., Llambias, P. E., Orzechowski, S. C., Pegan, T. M.δ, Shipley, J. R., Stager, M., Taff, C. C., Uehling, J. J.δ, Verhoeven, M., Vitousek, M. N., Wilson, M., & Yoon, H. S. 2020. Full lifetime perspectives on the costs and benefits of lay date variation in tree swallows. Ecology. PDF DOI

41. Uehling, J.δ, Taff, C. C., Winkler, D., Vitousek, M. N. 2020. Developmental temperature predicts the adult response to stressors in a free-living passerine. Journal of Animal Ecology. PDF DOI


40. Taff, C. C.†, Campagna, L.†, Vitousek, M. N. 2019. Genome-wide variation in DNA methylation is associated with plumage coloration and stress resilience in a wild bird. Molecular Ecology. PDF Data + Code GenBank DOI

39. Vitousek, M. N., Zimmer, C., Taff, C. C., & Ryan, T.δ 2019. Stress resilience and the dynamic regulation of glucocorticoids. Integrative and Comparative Biology. PDF DOI

38. Injaian, A. S.δ, Gonzalez-Gomez, P. L., Taff, C. C., Bird, A. K.δ, Patricelli, G. L., Haussmann, M. F., & Wingfield, J. C. 2019. Assessing maternal and direct effects of traffic noise exposure on nestling physiology and telomere attrition in a free-living bird. General and Comparative Endocrinology. PDF DOI

37. Taff, C. C., Zimmer, C., & Vitousek, M. N. 2019. Achromatic plumage brightness predicts stress resilience and social interactions in Tree Swallows (Tachicyneta bicolor). Behavioral Ecology. PDF Data + Code DOI

36. Zimmer, C., Taff, C. C., Ardia, D. R., Winkler, D. W., & Vitousek, M. N. 2019. On again, off again: acute stress response and negative feedback together predict resilience to experimental stressors. Functional Ecology. PDF DOI


35. Taff, C. C., Streby, H. M., Kramer, G. R.δ, & Freeman-Gallant, C. R. 2018. Geolocator deployment reduces survival, alters selection, and impacts demography in a small songbird. PLoS ONE. PDF DOI

34. Freeman-Gallant, C. R., & Taff, C. C. 2018. Age and infection history are revealed by different ornaments in a warbler. Oecologia. PDF DOI

33. Townsend, A. K., Taff, C. C., Jones, M.§, Getman, K. H.§, Wheeler, S. S., Hinton, M.δ, Logsdon, R.δ 2018. Inbreeding tolerance despite inbreeding depression in the American crow. Molecular Ecology. PDF DOI

32. Del Giudice, M., Buck, C. L., Chaby, L.δ, Gormally, B.δ, Taff, C. C., Thawley, C.δ, Vitousek, M., Wada, H. 2018. What is stress? A systems perspective. Integrative and Comparative Biology. PDF DOI Product of the What is Stress? Presidential Symposium at SICB 2018 that I co-organized.

31. Whittingham, L. A., Dunn, P. O., Freeman-Gallant, C. R., Taff, C. C., & Johnson, J. A. 2018. Major histocompatibility complex variation and blood parasites in resident and migratory populations of the common yellowthroat. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. PDF Data DOI

30. Townsend, A. K., Taff, C. C., Wheeler, S., Weis, A.δ, Hinton, M.δ, Jones, M.§, Logsdon, R.δ, Reisen, W., Freund, D., Sehgal, R., Saberi, M.§, Ha Suh, Y.§, Hurd, J.§, Boyce, W. 2018. Low heterozygosity is associated with vector-borne disease in crows. Ecosphere. PDF DOI

29. Miles, M. C.δ, Husak, J. F., Johson, M. A., Martin. L. B., Taff, C. C., Vitousek, M. N, Williams, T. D, Zimmer, C., & Fuxjager, M. J. 2018. Standing variation and the capacity for change: are endocrine phenotypes more variable than other traits? Integrative and Comparative Biology. PDF DOI

28. Injaian, A. S.δ, Taff, C. C., Patricelli, G. P., Vitousek. M. N., Gin, M., & Pearson, K.§ 2018. Effects of experimental chronic traffic noise exposure on adult and nestling corticosterone levels, and nestling body condition in a free-living bird. Hormones & Behavior. PDF DOI

27. Vitousek, M. N., Taff, C. C., Stedman, J.§, Zimmer, C., Ardia, D. R., Salzman, T. C.§, & Winkler, D. W. 2018. The lingering impact of stress: brief acute glucocorticoid exposure has sustained, dose-dependent effects on reproduction. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London, B. PDF Data + Code DOI

26. Taff, C. C., Zimmer, C., & Vitousek, M. N. 2018. Efficacy of negative feedback in the HPA axis predicts recovery from acute physiological stressors. Biology Letters. PDF Data + Code DOI

25. Townsend, A. K., Frett, B.§, McGarvey, A.§, & Taff, C. C. 2018. Where do winter crows go? Characterizing partial migration with satellite telemetry, stable isotopes, and molecular markers. The Auk: Ornithological Advances. PDF DOI

24. Vitousek, M. N., Taff, C. C., Hallinger, K. K.δ, Zimmer, C. G, & Winkler, D. W. 2018. Hormones and fitness: Evidence for trade-offs in glucocorticoid regulation across contexts. Frontiers in Ecology & Evolution. PDF DOI

23. Taff, C. C., Schoenle, L.δ, & Vitousek, M. N. 2018. The repeatability of glucocorticoids: A review and meta-analysis. General and Comparative Endocrinology. PDF Data DOI

22. Lawton, S.δ, Byrne, B., Fritz, H., Taff, C.C., Townsend, A., Mete, A., Wheeler, S., & Boyce, W. 2018. Comparative analysis of Campylobacter spp. isolated from wild birds and chickens using MALDI-TOF, 16S rDNA PCR/sequencing, and conventional biochemical testing. Journal of Veterinary Diagnostic Investigation. PDF DOI

21. Injaian, A. I.δ, Taff, C. C., & Patricelli, G. L. 2018. Experimental application of traffic noise alters avian behavior and physiology. Animal Behaviour. PDF DOI


20. Freeman-Gallant, C. R., & Taff, C. C. 2017. Age-specific patterns of infection with haemosporidians and trypanosomes in a warbler—implications for sexual selection. Oecologia. PDF DOI

19. Taff, C. C., Freeman-Gallant, C. R. 2017. Sexual signals reflect telomere dynamics in a wild bird. Ecology & Evolution. PDF Data + Code DOI

18. Taff, C. C., & Townsend, A. K. 2017. Campylobacter jejuni associated with poor condition and lower survival in a wild bird. Journal of Avian Biology. PDF Data DOI

17. Weis, A.δ, Huang, B., Storey, D., King, N., Chen, P., Arabyan, N., Gilpin, B., Mason, C., Townsend, A., Miller, W., Byrne, B., Taff, C. C., & Weimer, B. 2017. Large-scale release of Campylobacter draft genomes; resources for food safety and public health from the 100K Pathogen Genome Project. Genome Announcements. PDF DOI


16. Weis, A. M.δ, Storey, D. B., Taff, C. C., Townsend, A., Huang, B., Kong, N., Clothier, K., Spinner, A., Byrne, B., & Weimer, B. 2016. Genomic comparisons of Campylobacter spp. and their potential for zoonotic transmission between birds, primates, and livestock. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. PDF DOI

15. Taff, C. C., Weis, A.δ, Wheeler, S., Hinton, M. G.δ, Weimer, B. C., Barker, C., Jones, M.§, Logsdon, R.δ, Smith, W. A., Boyce, W. M., & Townsend, A. K. 2016. Influence of host ecology and behavior on Campylobacter jejuni prevalence and environmental contamination risk in a synanthropic wild bird. Applied and Environmental Microbiology. PDF DOI

14. Patricelli, G., Taff, C. C., & Krakauer, A. H. 2016. Variable signals in a complex world: Shifting views of individual variability in sexual display traits. Advances in the Study of Behavior. PDF DOI

13. Taff, C. C. & Vitousek, M. N. 2016. Endocrine flexibility: optimizing phenotypes in a dynamic world? Trends in Ecology and Evolution. PDF DOI

12. Taff, C. C. & Freeman-Gallant, C. R. 2016. Experimental tests of the function and flexibility of song consistency in a wild bird. Ethology. PDF Data + Code DOI


11. Whittingham, L. A., Freeman-Gallant, C. R., Taff, C. C., & Dunn, P. O. 2015. Different ornaments signal male health and MHC variation in two populations of a warbler. 2015. Molecular Ecology. PDF Data DOI Nature Outlook


10. Taff, C. C., Patricelli, G. L., & Freeman-Gallant, C. R. Fluctuations in neighbourhood fertility generate variable signalling effort. 2014. Proceedinsgs of the Royal Society of London, B. PDF Data + Code DOI UCD Press Futurity Davis Enterprise Wildlife Acoustics Blog

9. Taff, C. C., Freeman-Gallant, C. R. An experimental test of the testosterone mediated oxidation handicap hypothesis in a wild bird. 2014. Hormones & Behavior. PDF Data + Code DOI

8. Freeman-Gallant, C., Schneider, R. L.§, Taff, C. C., Dunn, P. O., & Whittingham, L. A. Contrasting patterns of selection on the size and coloration of a female plumage ornament in common yellowthroats. 2014. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. PDF Data DOI


7. Taff, C. C., Freeman-Gallant, C. R., Dunn, P. O., & Whittingham, L. A. 2013. Spatial distribution of nests constrains the strength of sexual selection in a warbler. Journal of Evolutionary Biology. PDF Data DOI


6. Blickley, J. L.δ, Word, K.δ, Krakauer, A. H., Phillips, J.δ, Sells, S.δ, Taff, C. C., Wingfield, J. C., & Patricelli, G. L. 2012. The effect of experimental exposure to chronic noise on fecal corticosteroid metabolites in lekking male greater sage-grouse (Centrocercus urophasianus). PLoS One. PDF DOI

5. Taff, C. C., Steinberger, D.§, Clark, C.§, Sacks, H.§, Belinsky, K., Freeman-Gallant, C., Dunn, P. O., & Whttingham, L. A. 2012. Multimodal sexual selection in a warbler: plumage and song are related to different fitness components. Animal Behaviour. PDF DOI

4. Taff, C. C., Littrell, K. A.§, Freeman-Gallant, C. R. 2012. Female song in the common yellowthroat. Wilson Journal of Ornithology. PDF DOI


3. Freeman-Gallant, C., Amidon, J.§, Berdy, B.§, Wein, S.§, Taff, C. C., & Haussmann, M. F. 2011. Oxidative damage to DNA related to survivorship and carotenoid-based sexual ornamentation in the common yellowthroat. Biology Letters. PDF DOI

2. Taff, C. C., Freeman-Gallant, C. R., Dunn, P. O. & Whittingham, L. A. 2011. Relationship between brood sex ratio and male ornamentation depends on male age in a warbler. Animal Behaviour. PDF DOI


1. Freeman-Gallant, C. R., Taff, C. C., Morin, D.§, Dunn, P. O., Whittingham, L. A. & Tsang, S. M.§ 2010. Sexual selection, multiple male ornaments, and age- and condition-dependent signaling in the common yellowthroat. Evolution. PDF DOI Science Now

Manuscripts in Review

§ undergraduate co-authors; δ graduate student co-authors; † equal contribution; †† senior author role

Chang van Oordt, D. A.δ, Zimmer, C., Ardia, D. R., Taff, C. C., Johnson, L. S., Rose, A. R., Aborn, D. A., Ryan, T. A.δ, Uehling, J. J.δ, & Vitousek, M. N. Geographical variation in bactericidal ability of breeding tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor).

Gould, E., Fraser, H.,…, Taff, C. C.,…, et al. (includes 311 authors). Same data, different analysts: variation in effect sizes due to analytical decisions in ecology and evolutionary biology. Preprint

Hallinger, K. K., Pegan, T. M.δ, Andersen, M. J., Ardia, D. R., Belmaker, A., Chang van Oordt, D.δ, Ferretti, V., Forsman, A. M., Gaul, J. R., Llambias, P. E., Orzechowski, S. C., Shipley, J. R., Stager, M., Taff, C. C., Uehling, J. J.δ, Verhoeven, M., Vitousek, M., Wilson, M., Yoon, H. S., Wrege, P. H., & Winker, D. W. Comparing the reproductive performance of dispersers vs. non-dispersers: a point-of-settlement approach to understanding the diversity of tree swallow dispersal strategies in a continuous mainland environment.

Houtz, J. L.δ, Shipley, J. R., Zimmer, C., Twining, C. W., Lee, D. M.§, Taff, C. C., Chapman, S. E.§, Fenners, J. L.§, Haussmann, M. F., & Vitousek, M. N. Gut microbiota affect developmental thermal plasticity in birds.

Miller, C. R.δ, Taff, C. C., Uehling, J. J.δ, Rose, A. P., & Vitousek, M. N. Moonlight intensity affects the timing and duration of parental behavior across latitudes in a diurnal songbird.

Suh, Y. A.δ, Taff, C. C., Tringali, A., & Fitzpatrick, J. W. Prospecting is physiologically costly in a resident cooperative breeder.

Taff, C. C., Ryan, T. A.δ, Uehling, J. J.δ, Injaian, A. S., & Vitousek, M. N. Within-individual consistency and between-individual variation in the egg shapes of tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor). Preprint Data + Code

Uehling, J. J.δ, Taff, C. C., Houtz, J. L.δ, Becker, P. M.§, & Vitousek, M. N. Predictors and consequences of diet variation in a declining generalist aerial insectivore.

Vitousek, M. N., Taff, C. C., & Williamson, J. Resilience and robustness: from sub-organismal responses to ecosystems.